The company's motto is quality and safe products for every customer.

Unitary production enterprise "Smorgon bread products plant" is part of JSC "lidakhleboproduct". The company specializes in the production of flour, cereals, feed and fat-and-oil products.
The basis of agricultural production is made up of structural divisions-the Andreevtsy pig breeding complex and the Zhodishki branch.
The basis of agricultural production is made up of structural divisions-the Andreevtsy pig breeding complex and the Zhodishki branch.
The production capacity of the pig breeding complex is 24 thousand heads. The zhodishki branch is located on the territory of 13 thousand hectares and specializes in growing grain crops, sugar beet, rapeseed and potatoes, milk and meat production, and is an elite farm for growing grain seeds.
The area of the enterprise is 16.8 hectares.
On it are located:
- Feed mill with a capacity of 61 thousand tons per year;
- A cereal shop that produces oatmeal with a capacity of 108 tons per day (in grain), a line for the production of flakes that do not require cooking, with a capacity of 7.2 tons per day.
- Grain storage and processing Elevator with a capacity of 36 thousand tons.
- Shop for processing oilseed rape with a capacity of 55 tons per day (in grain);
- Grain receiving point for grain storage with a capacity of 19.2 thousand tons;
- Warehouses for storing grain and finished products;
- Production and technological laboratory;
- Repair shops and other outbuildings;
- Administrative and household building.
Smorgon bread products plant is one of the largest producers of cereals and oatmeal in the Republic of Belarus, as well as cereals and cereals that do not require cooking. The company's products are in steady demand in the country's market and abroad. Oatmeal has gained the greatest popularity in the export market among all types of flour-milling products. The products are exported to more than 10 countries: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Russia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Nigeria, Canada, and China.
The company produces a sufficient range of feed for pigs, cattle, poultry, fish and other animal species. The coverage of the markets for feed products is not due to the territorial proximity of consumers. The main share is occupied by the market of Grodno, Minsk and other regions. The company supplies feed to agricultural organizations, trade organizations and the population through its own retail network. A significant part of compound feeds is produced for the livestock of the pig breeding complex and the zhodishki branch.
The plant also produces:
The plant also produces:
The development strategy of the plant is aimed at creating a multi-industry, multi-functional, high-tech enterprise that produces flour and cereal products, mixed feed in a high range, rapeseed oil, as well as agricultural products: meat, milk, and cereals. This allows us to ensure the profitability of production, product competitiveness and financial stability of the company. The priority direction of the company's development is technical re-equipment, development of
modern, high-performance and less energy-intensive equipment. The company has a quality management system that meets the requirements of STB ISO9001-2015. The management system is aimed at improving the production of high-quality and safe products.
In the Smorgon district and the city of Smorgon, there is a developed network of commercial facilities of the enterprise and a public catering facility. The company's branded stores sell products of its own production.
modern, high-performance and less energy-intensive equipment. The company has a quality management system that meets the requirements of STB ISO9001-2015. The management system is aimed at improving the production of high-quality and safe products.
In the Smorgon district and the city of Smorgon, there is a developed network of commercial facilities of the enterprise and a public catering facility. The company's branded stores sell products of its own production.
The company has repeatedly won national and international exhibitions and competitions.
Smorgon bread products plant is one of the few in Belarus that managed to go through the difficult time of perestroika and the collapse of the Soviet Union almost without losses, while fully preserving the team and production. The company employs 926 people: 500-at the plant and 466-in the branch of "Zhodishki". Most of them are young employees (including among the management staff), which indicates the great potential of the team. Enthusiastically continuing the traditions of veterans, young people bring new and progressive things to the company's activities.
The company administration and the trade Union Committee pay due attention to veterans of production. Today, their company – 177, in the branch "Zhodishki" - 470; 25 labor veterans were awarded orders and medals; the order of the October Revolution, order of Labor Glory III degree, order of "badge of Honor", order of the red banner of Labor. The results achieved were an excellent start for a new breakthrough. And the most impressive step was the start of production under the brand "Empire of Cereals".
The company administration and the trade Union Committee pay due attention to veterans of production. Today, their company – 177, in the branch "Zhodishki" - 470; 25 labor veterans were awarded orders and medals; the order of the October Revolution, order of Labor Glory III degree, order of "badge of Honor", order of the red banner of Labor. The results achieved were an excellent start for a new breakthrough. And the most impressive step was the start of production under the brand "Empire of Cereals".